As the hart panteth after the water brooks,
So panteth my soul after thee, O God.

PSALM 42:1


  • We believe that our Creator has called us to diligently work towards filling the earth and subduing it. Our purpose is to bring order out of chaos, to actively engage in the creation, building, and sustenance of a thriving human society here on earth.

  • We conduct ourselves with integrity, motivated not by self-interest or a pursuit of "good business" practices, but simply because it is a reflection of our core values and identity.

  • We aspire to practice radical generosity, with both our finances and our time. Our conviction is rooted in the belief that our time, money, and talents are not our own but are entrusted to us for the purpose of expressing love and care for others.

  • We believe that the gospel acts as a great equalizer. It prompts those in lofty positions to reflect on their inherent depravity without the redeeming work of Christ on the cross, while encouraging those in lowly positions to contemplate their righteousness and cherished status due to Christ’s redemptive work. Consequently, no matter our circumstance, our aim is to diminish self-focus and elevate our thoughts to Christ.

  • Our calling to fill the earth and subdue it invites us to engage in the creative process of rearranging the raw materials of the earth to contribute to the thriving and flourishing of society and individuals. Yet, we must do so with great care for creation, vowing not to exploit nature. Our commitment is to operate with a relentless spirit of creativity and stewardship, striving to craft places and spaces that leave a lasting, positive impact on communities.